Marlene’s Violin Studio


Terms & Conditions


Please note that new rates apply for enrolments commencing 1 January 2024. This reflects the recommended minimum teaching rate for private studio professional teachers set by the WA Music Teachers' Association, of which I am an Accredited Teaching Member. For full breakdown of the fees please contact me.

Your bookings will be confirmed in writing once payment is received. 

Enrolment is possible at any time throughout the year subject to availability. The lessons are not paid for per term, but rather as a set of 10 or 5 lessons, as not all terms have the same number of weeks, and some may like to continue with lessons in the school holidays, whilst others are away. Weekly lessons during your specially reserved time are compulsory during school term, unless it falls on a public holiday.


  • When you cancel a lesson there are no make up lessons. 
  • If for some reason I need to cancel a lesson you will definitely get a make up lesson and if we can’t find an alternative time that suits us both, that lesson will go towards your future lesson balance or refunded. 
  • There are two missed lesson alternatives if you are unable to attend in person we can still do 1) an online lesson, or 2) have a Video Feedback Lesson (you can send me audio or video recordings of your homework, along with any questions you may have and I will write up feedback for you via email during your usual lesson time).
  • If you are unable to attend due to illness and provide more than 24 hours notice I will try to schedule a make up lesson, however if less than 24 hours notice is given a make up lesson is not possible.
  • There will be no more than two make up lessons per set of lessons due to illness, further lessons missed by the student will still be charged for.
  • Withdrawal: Please provide at least two weeks notice of any intention to withdraw from lessons.

Student responsibilities:

  • Please arrive on time for your lesson. You may ring the doorbell up to 5 minutes before your lesson commences to let me know you have arrived. However, if I don’t attend the door immediately it is due to ending another student’s lesson or preparing for yours, so please be patient. 

    If you are late, no extra time will be given. If I should run late I will ensure you receive your full time.

    If you have questions please mention them at the beginning of your lesson rather than saving them to after the lesson has ended, because it’s unfair to take up some of the next student’s lesson time.

  • Please always bring your violin, music and music diary with you. It is helpful if you pass me your diary as soon as you arrive so I can have it ready to take notes for you to take home for practise and we can keep track of your progress together.


  • Do let me know if you prefer email or SMS. I will always endeavour to respond within 24-48 hours and would appreciate the same also.

  • Before filling out the enrolment form please contact me to ensure we have agreed on a lesson day and time that suits us both including a start date. A trial lesson is recommended before enrolment and would cost $56 for 30 minutes, $84 for 45 minutes or $110 for 60 minutes. 

Extra Perks for Students:

As an Australian Music Examinations Board examiner, all my students and their families are able to get free tickets to all UWA Conservatorium of Music concerts.

As a WA Music Teachers' Association Accredited Teaching Member, all my students have the opportunity to take part in performing at the monthly organised concerts for free.

I continue to teach throughout school holidays subject to availability.

For those with siblings, there is a beautiful park with playground just a few metres away, as well as cafes.


If you have read and accept the above Terms and Conditions for violin tuition as stated on this information page please download the enrolment form below and return completed either printed or via email to

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